Friday, March 8, 2013

...There, I Said It

And, I do. Every night.

I sleep with my dogs in bed beside me, and sometimes on top of me, especially on those nights when my significant other is away on duty or out on patrol. They are both, undoubtedly, my dogs but we share them. We have a ten year old German shepherd/???? mix named Daisy, who has been with me since I was 21 and she was 2. The other is a pure-bred Rottweiler named Teddy, whom I adopted last New Year's Day.

Teddy loves to mug for the camera.

This blog is about my life with them, and how they make me a better person every day.

Right now, I'm squashed into the corner of our queen-sized bed because Daisy and Teddy are sprawling out around me, and I don't have the heart to disturb them while those goofy dog-snores mask the sounds of crickets and speeding cars outside. Daisy, surprisingly, is the worst offender. They've got a good 3/4 of the bed space, and Teddy's attempting to eek out a little more.

See? Daisy's snoring here, too.

These are two of the best things to ever happen to me. I want to share a little bit of their light.

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